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  • 1 month later...

That's a good start for someone of 14 mate keep it up it's a great hobby 

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Cheers Mark, I turned 15 the other week. Got some spend that I'm saving up. That's French helmet needs a liner and chinstrap so it'll go towards them . Everyone on this forum are top blokes and they've helped me loads.

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Cheers @DAK D, how rare are 7th or 4th AD patches. My Grandma's uncles were desert rats and while they weren't RTR, they were truck drivers. I can never find any in the web.

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When I was your age I only owned

my late father WW2 bayonet...you're off to a good start,matey!

Edited by Manu Della Valle
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  • Major General

I only had one helmet, plus some bad repro gear...badges, caps etc, all total cr*p thinking back...& a couple medals.

so I know how elusive cash can be at a young age.you've done really well Hetz.

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Its amazing really, as a kid I had loads of original gear, mainly because it was so cheap and you could go to places like Petticoat Lane or Camden Passage and see it almost everywhere, but now i,m lucky if I can afford a bayonet every so often and thats normally from a jumble sale or junk shop if I,m lucky. In truth I have more or less stopped collecting on a regular basis. I,m 61 years old, the only person in my family who shows any interest is my adult daughter, where most of what I have left, will eventually go to her .Prices now have reached ridiculous heights and I feel sorry for younger collectors as its becoming a wealthy persons hobby, In some cases you can buy a 200year old reasonable looking Antique table ,chairs, or bureau cheaper than a German helmet. But its good that there are younger collectors out there keeping the hobby alive and preserving history

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Thanks for the kind comments guys, I've been quite lucky as when I go into a shop or to a fair and I pay an interest in an item, the owns knocks money off, that's why I got that French helmet for £70, I've been very fortunate that this has happened and without it I don't know where I'd be on a collecting stance. As well as that, the medals, badges and belt were all given to me. I got the medals/badges from a paramedic, the belt from my uncle, who was also in Germany like you @Davejb and the 2 medals because I the last owner had passed away and who knows where they would've gone.

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  • 4 weeks later...

You have to start and no one ever started with a full collection with high end items that are one of a kind! xD

I started when I was about 17 or 18 years old and in that time "old" collectors told me already that I started to late.
Now younger collectors call me lucky that I started in time.
Just a lot of BS!!!
Do what you like, buy what you find interesting and can afford and don't give a sh#t what others tell you what you need to do!

Every millionair started with his first penny! ;)

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I think you are well on your way. As stated before, we all started somewhere. Me, I was about your age when I first started to seriously collect. I have now tipped 50, my wife and I have raised 3 kids (all adults now) she has her horses and I have my medals, and lots of other things that she knows nothing about. It all comes with time. 

I do hope the attitude of the 'old collectors' have changed since I was a young buck. Back when I started, I would ask a question, pretty much told to go away kid, you are bothering me...OR you can't afford it so leave and let the real collectors have a look at my table. 

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Wow guys, thanks for the support. I get where youre coming from and I'm very lucky to be here and be surrounded by experts! :D 

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38 minutes ago, HetzersGonnaHetz said:

Wow guys, thanks for the support. I get where youre coming from and I'm very lucky to be here and be surrounded by experts! :D 

Hiya, I'm 60, and literally only just started collecting..an almost complete newbie......and i totally agree with what you say...there are great guys and experts on here, always happy to divulge of their knowledge...good luck to you...:)

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Will do ham gimme a bit, watching the Big Red One, and good luck to you Norrie!

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  • Field Marshall

One of the main purposes of the MCN, is to help new collectors, young or old... :)

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4 minutes ago, Lenny said:

One of the main purposes of the MCN, is to help new collectors, young or old... :)

Especially the old....:)

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17 minutes ago, Norrie said:

Especially the old....:)

Since I got the label "veteran" on my right corner: I feel old also!!!   xDxDxD 

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3 minutes ago, Henri said:

Since I got the label "veteran" on my right corner: I feel old also!!!   xDxDxD 

I am old tho, :) so I keep getting told ...:)

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Hey Buddy that's a good start! Your on your way! Make sure you research before everything you buy if you can.

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I'll do Dave, I'll get a photo of everything now.

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And how far it has come....

ive left a few things out as they're little pieces I don't want to lose but here you are:


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Danke Dave! It's a nice photo, I just had to haul an MG42 up the stairs as the rest of the MG crew had disappeared! So that's the only downside hehe

Edited by HetzersGonnaHetz
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Edited by Bill in VA
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