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  • Field Marshall

Hi folks,

It's that time of year again, and this time we're approaching 26 years of the MCN. I'd love to say it's been a blast, and for the most part it has, however... I think it's time to accept that folk don't really want to use a web forum anymore. Or maybe, they don't want to use THIS web forum. I'm still paying for hosting, site licences etc. and even though I ask for donations, well, it hardly pays a tenth of what it costs me.

As we've always said, FB is a nightmare for militaria, and I miss the good old days of web forums, so from now on I'm thinking of only adding features and articles to the main MCN website, with my old Armourer columns and some interesting militaria and military history articles written by some well known names. I'm also building up content on our YouTube channel too. If anyone wants to help, writing articles, doing videos of museum trips etc. then get in touch.

The website is here to stay, but I think it's time for the discussion forum to bow out gracefully. The MCN has been part of me since 1998, in fact it's older (just) than my oldest child. It’s been an expensive business running a web forum and we’re still behind in raising money for the web hosting and forum licence costs. I've just paid the software licences for the forum again

If you’ve benefitted from the MCN, please consider donating…



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