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MOLLUS Medal damaged by Bellevue Rare Coins in Tacoma! Henry Pollard Civil War


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I bought a family Civil War collection for Henry Pollard the congressman, mayor, and Union army soldier. Here is a link to a video showing all the amazing stuff that came with it...

I read somewhere that all m o l l u s metals are supposed to be made of gold however mine only has gold in the center but the majority is made of brass it looks like. I took it to Bellevue Rare Coins in Tacoma Washington to test it for gold and unfortunately it required that they rip the ribbon in half even though that doesn't make any sense and it's a priceless heirloom. 


No joke look at the before and after pictures. I went into the store with a ribbon I could wear, but left the store with a ribbon that is unwearable because it has been ripped in half. 


I believe the lady named Karina did this on purpose because she dislikes people get things tested but don't buy anything I suppose, or maybe it was the fact that she refused to test it after calling it brass even though I drove all the way down there just for that. When I insisted that she actually tested instead of just eyeballing it she got real snappy and I guess decided to rip my property in half. 


Let it be known what this company thinks about war medals. They are quick to say they don't know anything about them and can't help you except for tearing them in half of course, that helps you learn how to hire a lawyer and sue someone. 


What I'm wondering is if it's true that they are all made of gold because I don't think mine is fake therefore whoever believes all of them are made of gold is incorrect. Mine has a very low number it's 4288. Perhaps way back then they were made of brass. 


It's the military order of the loyal Legion of the US AKA MOLLUS Medal. 


Considering all the family photos and baby pictures handwritten journals and other metals of his, how much do you think a Henry Pollard MOLLUS Medal is worth and if the ribbon weren't torn in half how much of the total value would it represent? If I wanted to ask Bellevue Rare Coins to pay for the damages, what should that number look like? 


I think a random MOLLUS medal with no name but that is made of gold completely, cost something like $600 maybe a thousand at most therefore mine belonging to Henry Pollard the congressman/mayer and the fact that I have so many of his personal effects... Means this metal by itself is probably $4000 to $10,000 maybe more. Or am I way off course?


The other metal has battle names engraved on both sides of it that he probably did himself and I believe it's in 19th corps Union army badge. Both the remaining medals seen in the pictures are made of sterling silver. From what my research showed the one with battle names could be worth as much as $4,000 too. 


And and finally where can I go to get this appraised officially so that I have something on paper to give to the store who damaged it? I need the appraisal to tell me how much the metal is worth as well as the ribbon specifically. I intend on convincing them to pay me for the price of the ribbon and I get to keep it. So we want the appraisal to be as high as possible. 


Thank you for reading all that. Next I will share a link to a video of my complaint.








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