Lest We Forget

Militaria Collectors Network - The Internet Guide to buying and collecting Militaria.

Lest We Forget Lest We Forget. Remembrance Day (also known as Poppy Day owing to the tradition of wearing a remembrance poppy) is a memorial day observed in Commonwealth member states since the end of the First World War in 1919 to honour armed forces members who have died in the line of duty. The … Read more…

Secret Bunker

Militaria Collectors Network - The Internet Guide to buying and collecting Militaria.

Secret Bunker Secret Bunker. An innocent looking farmhouse conceals the entrance to Scotland’s best kept secret. Scotland’s Secret Underground Nuclear Command Centre, near St Andrews. From it’s top secret Command Centre to dormitories, broadcasting studio and CND Room and learn how the elite survived the Cold War. 100ft underground is RAF Troywood, an “R3” style … Read more…

The First Fighting Tank

Militaria Collectors Network - The Internet Guide to buying and collecting Militaria.

The First Fighting Tank The First Fighting Tank. The first ever use of the tank in battle happened during the Battle of the Somme in 1916. In this video we look inside a unique survivor – the last British Mark I Heavy Tank in existence and examine the first tank action at Flers, an event … Read more…

D Day 60th Anniversary

Militaria Collectors Network - The Internet Guide to buying and collecting Militaria.

D Day 60th Anniversary In June 2004 I travelled with a bus load of D Day veterans to visit Normandy for the D Day 60th Anniversary. It was a very special trip, a mixture of respect for the veterans and overall a very thought provoking trip. D Day 60th Anniversary

Nuclear Submarine Crash

Militaria Collectors Network - The Internet Guide to buying and collecting Militaria.

Nuclear Submarine Crash Nuclear Submarine Crash.In 2017, The US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) released a de-classified document between US NSA Advisor Brent Scowcroft and US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, issued in 1974, alerting him of a collision between the USS James Madison (A Poseidon SLBM Nuclear Missile Submarine) and a Soviet Victor Class Attack … Read more…

Donations to the MCN

Militaria Collectors Network

Donations to the MCN It’s an expensive business hosting a website, software licences etc. if you appreciate what the MCN does for collectors, then please consider donating. At the moment, I pay all the costs out of my own pocket. It works out roughly about £1000 per year. I get minimal funds from a few … Read more…

Redesign at the MCN

Militaria Collectors Network

I’ve started doing a redesign of the MCN homepage. I’ve decided to move my Armourer articles from theMILITARIA.shop to the main MCN page, as that is surely where they belong. 😉 I’ll keep theMILITARIA.shop as my web design site, all military history and militaria articles will be here, on the MCN. The forum will live … Read more…