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  1. Richard Auld

    Richard Auld


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Showing content with the highest reputation since 28/09/21 in Posts

  1. Hi Hans, welcome to this forum. Bit quiet but I still think it will get busier when FB etc finally pull the plug, they are dyeing to do it. Best Rich
    4 points
  2. Guys, This short engagement was recorded in the Ulrich Saft book Kriege in der heimat. These photos were taken post war by a young boy that used to play on the wrecked tanks, what a play ground he had! He is now in his 80s and has recently rediscovered these pictures taken before 1949 but after the war. It shows two of the tanks from the battle although he tells me there were 3 British tanks in a row in column of march and they were destroyed on the North South road that goes past the Hotel Kroepke which is still there today. those tanks were on the road circa 3 to 400m South of the hotel just before the slight bend in the road. The Tiger was further South and I will confirm the locations later. The flak was to the North East of the road described above. The old boy (Albert) has offered to walk the locations with me but he is not in the best of health. I will do it as soon as I and he can. Rich
    3 points
  3. Guys, we finally have an end to this ballhawks now and all markets will be open again soon. Can't Wait! Rich
    3 points
  4. Guys, been very distracted by our spiral into despair here in Germany due to the gas situation. I have been busy trying to shift my reliance on gas to having a back up in the form of a couple to three wood burners. I have all the required products now and am waiting for my workmates to set a date to start rebuilding the existing chimneys and cleaning one out. Luckily they are qualified builders and recon its a days work! Being ever the pessimist I will plan for 3 days to cover any unforeseen issues. To give you an idea of what is going on over here right now, my pal paid €3200 last year for his annual heating oil refill, this year he paid in excess of €9000. This is quite simply not sustainable for every household in Germany and will be pushing us into an economic collapse. The knock on of which may take down the EU in its current format. Just my opinion but I think we are being fool hardy getting involved in another US proxy war, what could go wrong with that?
    3 points
  5. Picked up this Reichsbahn 1st aide supplies tin with the grenade box. 1st one I have encountered. Nice addition to the railway collection.
    3 points
  6. Cant think of a better way to spend a Sunday afternoon than having a cold one and chatting helmets and collecting. Hope you all are well. Would love to see more collections being post! Cheers! The Afrika Rat
    3 points
  7. Hi, welcome, it is quiet here but we collectively can probably steer you in the right direction. Best Rich
    3 points
  8. Ive baton on the fence for now. Going to convert to concrete panels were that wind blows through. Looks like all calmed down now.
    3 points
  9. Just added this one. 1st I have ever owned. Made at the end of that era, as Hitler had taken power.
    3 points
  10. Started picking at mine too. Now my beloved puss cat died,i can sort new flooring and carpets. She was 22 and things were getting grim.... It was puppy-pad central towards the end. Still miss the mogg,but it was her time i think.
    3 points
  11. Thanks Bjorn, hope to smash out a bit more today before work tomorrow. Turning into a nightmare, I have to lift all the floor glue and leveler as it needs to be smooth for the 'click' vinyl.......Ahhhhhhh!
    3 points
  12. everything today is over priced. most think they have stuff that is worth a small fortune and in their mind think it is rear. sure ww1 German helmets are a scarce item and to find/get one all original and complete is hard to find but, the old saying is if you want it you will pay for it. why settle for a rusted junk shell? look and wait- things come if you are willing to wait.
    3 points
  13. Guys, as stated above! Merry Christmas and a happy new year! Best Regards Rich
    3 points
  14. Good christ, I never knew the MCN was reborn! I was a member on the old forum (forgot my username it was that long ago), sold my collection off and moved abroad, came back ten years later and found deac's are... more deacted (deeply upset) and everything is about a million times the price it once was (bank manager soon to be deeply upset). Oh, Bren Mk1. Oh, old spec Webley MkIV. Oh, SMLE No.1 AND No.4 who both cocked and dry fired... I'll never see another like you. Ahem. Anyway. Nice to meet you all, merry christmas, and does anyone know of any Mills Bombs going cheap?
    3 points
  15. Richard I see what you mean about WAF. What a bunch of douche nozzles. I put up a piece for review, I said I bought it. it was at an auction and I did not want any competition. One douche nozzle came on and said I was telling lies and that it was up for auction and what was I trying to do. LOL Really While E. you need an expiation? Its like looking for Arrow heads. I look spend the time and find an old Indian village and am I going on line and give out a GPS so anyone can go? Find your own stuff is my opinion. that site is full if idiots.
    3 points
  16. And a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours Richard, and also to all the forum members.
    3 points
  17. Ring marked S-W for Sy- Wagner Berlin.
    3 points
  18. hello all! just signed up today and have been going through some of the sections. interesting indeed. i am from the United States and am a long time collector mostly in American WW2 items. i buy and some times sell. history is my corner stone interest in life. i like viewing members finds and find it interesting what lead them to collecting. i feel it is important to preserve the past as it serves as an ever lasting memory to those who served.
    3 points
  19. Guys, as stated above! €1.90 well spent! Best Rich
    3 points
  20. I picked up this can for cheap awhile back, had a split seam in the front and an ugly coat of "baby jobby" green (only way I can describe it. ) So I decided to try my had at Brazing/welding. After a little work I got a satisfactory bond, I smoothed it out with a grinding wheel on my Dremel tool. And repainted can in German Field grey .
    2 points
  21. Guys, been a bit busy and a lot drunk. back to work now! Hope to post more this year, got a few leads to chase down but time is always flying by unfortunately. Best Rich
    2 points
  22. Hi Does anyone know of a collection of the 8th Army News? My Grandfather appeared in an edition once when, as part of Operation Market Garden. Was photographed handing out chocolate to children from his Bren Carrier. I would be really interested in seeking out if there is a collection of photos that were taken at the same time in case there are any others with my Grandfather in them. I have looked on-line but only come across the same one each time. Any help or advice would be very much appreciated. I have attached the photo below for those interested. My Grandfather is the one sitting in the middle at the back with his goggles pulled up. I love this photo. Regards Ben
    2 points
  23. 2 points
  24. I have done this a bit back to front and put my first post up and never introduced myself. My main interest is Scottish military history that is relevant to my family although I have found a German connection from a marriage who's brother was killed in Russia.
    2 points
  25. Hi, I have already learnt something. So the "turtle" helmet shape, of which this of that style isn't it? Was issued as early as WWII. I never knew that. Looking at the elastic version of the chinstrap compared to the later webbing type it does make sense. I have never owned one as the ones I usually come across are shells only and dated quite late. Now I know a little more about their history though they are more interesting. Great job on cleaning the paint off. Truly good work. thank you for sharing.
    2 points
  26. Hi all , just joined , I’m a collector of Heer stuff and civilian SS / financial support , will be good to share photos and info
    2 points
  27. Here it is guys. Arrived last week. I've cleaned it up, rubber mallet got out the imperfections and dents. Lid closes proper now as well. I dont intend to do anymore than just preserve it for my display. but will hopefully make or find the innards for it. Before and after cleanup photos.
    2 points
  28. Hi Alan, Start with the easy stuff your red 3, that is basically his 50 RM payment for being released from service, 'entlassungsgeld in hohe RM 50 etc.' Some passes have this statement as a stamped paragraph that only needs dates and signature. Clue as well is the stamp with Stabszahlmeister or HQ/Unit paymaster. Red 5 for me is War merit cross with swords on 1,11,41. No stamp or seal but that is not uncommon. Red 4 is his operational deployment page, First line Polish campaign on the home front (I think), second Polish campaign middle operational area, 3rd line operational area in the West, 4th line looks like Southern area of operations on the Western AO. 5th line looks like Operational area in the West (war against England).Last line Operational area East, IE Russia. Red 1 not getting it but the last bit could be 'in ordnungsdienst' Red 2, sorry too hard to decipher. you could try Hucks on GMIC, he has a good eye! Best Rich
    2 points
  29. I've added another M27 to the collection. This one I am very happy to have as it has nearly all of its Black/Green paint. Sadly the liner has seen better days.
    2 points
  30. Just like all my cat's, Im rescuing Troppenhelms now.😄 Just added this one, was a great price $125 US. Missing the Heer shield and strap but I get spare shields all the time, not worried about strap. Its named to an officer I believe, will research this weekend. Its 1941 dated. Need to find a LW one next. This makes 3 Heers in the collection now.
    2 points
  31. Guys, not my bag but maybe of use to your hobby? Let me know if anything is of use. Best Rich
    2 points
  32. I'm not really a religious kind of guy. But a ever so slightly "oh my god" is in order here, I think. I will do some cosmetic renovation on the battery in the coming days. I will try to do some test runs, to see what the Ampere hours capacity are like on this battery as well. I will keep you posted. Best regards Björn
    2 points
  33. Shown the pics to the German EOD types and none have seen anything of that construction. One even suggested due the material (copper and brass) used in construction that it may be some sort of nautical measuring device? Something towed behind a boat? Dependent on the function of the screw of course? Also if a bomb it would split at the join of the copper and steel? Best Rich
    2 points
  34. Pictures aren't the best but a similar grey was also applied on board by sailors when painting the ships? Not really my area but I remember passing up a grey painted helmet only to meet a pal that was very happy having bought it and he cleared it up for me that the Kriegsmarine used a ship grey paint too. Many Eastern EU states used German surplus after the war, even the Germans did, in particular the BGS, Police and Fire brigade. The forum is very slow as most people seem to prefer Facebook or the other social media type platforms. It has nothing to do with nationality. The busier forum is WAF but be careful it is full of bandits and sharks. Rich
    2 points
  35. Too small really , copper bombs were 24 lb and made of cast iron or steel . that was my first thought too.
    2 points
  36. The bottom of the maker mark states Berlin W, so it might have been a brand/firm name of a Frenchman/French owned business working from Berlin? Rich
    2 points
  37. Hi, I can ask my German EOD pals if they have anything on it. Can't say how long till I see one of them but should be before the end of the month. Rich
    2 points
  38. printers lead is hard and not mailable/bendy, so back then caught a lot of kids out! Obviously without reference to the dodgy catch arrangement and the fact it was single piece stamped.
    2 points
  39. I like the Tiger , it has a better look to it, and more going on
    2 points
  40. Getting there, touch up top to bottom. Make the dido rail, this will hide the paper join to the paint and I have about 8cm tolerance. Then lay the floor and Robert is your Mothers brother.
    2 points
  41. added this one and may have a marked ring just under ribbon.
    2 points
  42. an O&B marked Hindenberg cross and a black wound badge un-marked.
    2 points
  43. Merry Christmas to one and all...
    2 points
  44. here is one of my daggers. i believe it is an early make and numbered to the SS man.
    2 points
  45. creative ornament!
    2 points
  46. Thats it Rich get us all in the dog poo, you mind someone dont stamp on that foot of yours lol
    2 points
  47. I am bald on top now, but the popular misconception when I was a kid was that wearing a beret all the time with the celluloid in would make you bald quicker. So we took them out! With hindsight now I realize it is marriage/life that make you bald! Perhaps they thought the same back then..... Rich
    2 points
  48. There is an up side to this Rich , Think of all the tender care you will get now, tea , cakes, food on a plate, pamererd silly
    2 points
  49. The owner is from Scotland so it is UK based.
    2 points
  50. Since we last talked,the collection has grown again. I think this will eventually outstrip the inert ammo. I will keep the bombs and fuzes for the re enactment group. But once i decide to start selling up,it would be an avalanche of sales of the Artillery,Mines and the rest of the TR stuff
    2 points
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