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  1. Lenny


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/02/16 in all areas

  1. Hello all! This is my first post on the MCN, so I thought I would post a little something about the area of collecting I am interested in. I collect medium to large caliber inert ordnance, so .50 to really anything bigger if I can get my hands on it! Specifically in that area I love APFSDS-T and APDS ammunition, and 25x137mm rounds. Anyways, lets get on with some big stuff! I mainly get my inert stuff from the US and UK as there isnt much around in Canada but I have managed to find all my large caliber stuff right here in Canada. All of these are Canadian marked and used. Of course, all inert and safe! From left to right: WW2 17pdr (77mm) APDS projectile (looking for a case if anyone has some tips...) 1950's 3" .50cal casing 1960's 20pdr (84mm) casing (needs a primer and some markings put back on) 1950's 105mm M14 artillery casing 105mm Leopard 1 TK casing And last, and most interesting, a 4" blank, made of plastic, and made by Samsonite! Hope you all enjoy, I am sure I will be back with some more ordnance and maybe some of the few Canadian militaria items I have! Rhys
    2 points
  2. Well, part of it. All gone a few years back, find it hard to look at these pics as I'd never get a lot of these back...
    2 points
  3. Hey gang! First post back on the MCN! Thought I would share my DAK examples. One does not have the web tab but it is field painted in tan. Love these bad boys. They fit nicely in the collection. Cheers! Rob
    2 points
  4. The MCN forum is now LIVE, up and running...
    2 points
  5. Will there be a profile badge for armed forces veterans in the future? Some forums have this option. This being a militaria forum, it might be nice. thanks!
    1 point
  6. I used to collect German helmets, but stopped about 10 years ago. Here's a pic of my favourite helmet ever. I cried when I let this one go. M35 Normandy cammo, chicken wire, straight from veteran. One of very few chicken wires that are one lookers...
    1 point
  7. I acquired this from my friend over in Montana, USA who was having a bit of a clear out before moving. He knew I liked this stuff so sent it to me for free.
    1 point
  8. This is getting sent out tomorrow as a part of a trade. I've had a bit of it translated and it's pretty interesting far!
    1 point
  9. Late possibly CZECH gladiator style.
    1 point
  10. Medals belonging to my Great uncle James A. Easton who served in the 2nd Dragoon guards from Feb 1914 until late 1918 when the army was demobbed.
    1 point
  11. Nice heavy shell from Rustywarrelics. Fuse comes apart nicely and it sits in the case... meh it sinks in a bit due to the weight.
    1 point
  12. Hi All, Here are some photos of one of my Heer tropical field blouses, it is 1940 dated and it has the original factory applied tropical eagle and litzen tabs. This is not a mint un-issued piece, but it has not been worn very much.
    1 point
  13. The war medal, didn't know it was common to wear it flipped?
    1 point
  14. I'd be greeting if I had to let that go too...
    1 point
  15. Very nice Lenny I dumped a 300 odd dagger collection in the 70s LOL
    1 point
  16. You had a top shelf collection regards Dave
    1 point
  17. They are great tropical buckles and it's nice to see the LW ones with the tropical tabs.
    1 point
  18. When I first went to the link in the email yesterday, I got something similar to the old forum. My last visit was October 24, 2005. LMAO
    1 point
  19. I was at Waffy House a while ago.. Waff asked,, "Jeensy can you put the Kettle on mate,, fancy a brew " ? so I put the kettle on, got cups ready n made the tea. Waff came down grabbed his tea, and I asked " Hey Waff,, ,why you got an empty milk bottle in the fridge mate? " Waffy Replied " Jeeensy you fecking idiot,, that's for people who want black coffee " I rest my case m'Lord
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. Is Jeeensy in! Lord help us
    1 point
  22. Great display! Well put together and all around kick ass!
    1 point
  23. Got this in a trade about two weeks ago. The leather is still good and it's in pretty good condition with well over 90% of the paint still being on the steel.
    1 point
  24. Guy named Marco and the guy that traded with me (who is German) gave me a hand as well. The soldier in question served in the infantry before starting his study in medicine late war. He achieved the rank of a doctors assistant.
    1 point
  25. Well my interest in militaria began years ago when i first heard the stories my grandfather told me. I started out with stuff that he gave me; cap badges, old paper work, signed book by Churchill which he nicked from a library in Germany... It then expanded into random, uncoordinated buying where I amased a huge amount it tat but at the time it was great for me. Around this time last year I really started getting into proper collecting and began focusing on specific items rather than ammo tins and casings. At the moment I'm collecting WW1/2 German and British.
    1 point
  26. Yes but I could never afford to buy it back...
    1 point
  27. WOW! That was quite the collection. Very impressive! Rob
    1 point
  28. It will be Ernst Schneider as i remembr @BryanDavidson showing it on FB, was marked on tab.
    1 point
  29. Nice looking rig. Any pics of the back of the buckle? That always helps. The maker mark could be ESL (Ernst Schneider)? Does that sound right?
    1 point
  30. They probably fit in the documents and paperwork section.
    1 point
  31. Before the Berlin Airlift medal appeareda little airplane device was available for the Occupation Medal and ribbon to show participation in the Berlin Airlift.
    1 point
  32. It appears to be a Elephant/Ferdinand Heavy tank destroyer.
    1 point
  33. Possibly the sleep deprivation but lost my jobby when I saw it.
    1 point
  34. I bet so mate. Some crusty relics go for a few hundred now...
    1 point
  35. Who's the froggy...
    1 point
  36. My friend/dealer has it, he bought it from me when I was going through my divorce. It's one of those, if you have to ask you can't afford it helmets. Trust me, if this was ever sold again, it would be silly money, I mean SILLY.
    1 point
  37. Bloody hell that's a nice one... Something like that would go for a mint now!
    1 point
  38. Indeed @Beau, onwards and upwards.
    1 point
  39. incredible to have a lot so complete. Great stuff!
    1 point
  40. I'm glad you like them
    1 point
  41. It's a return to the good old days!!!
    1 point
  42. You see, I'm soooo busy making this the best place for Militaria collectors, I have to have a King Rib supper delivered to my desk...
    1 point
  43. The MCN in no way condones, supports or will tolerate the digging on or removal of articles, military or otherwise, from sites which are in contravention of the military or civil laws of any given country. We will not allow any items that appear to have been dug illegally to be shown in this forum. Before posting here, be aware that ALL posts will be reviewed to ensure that the recovery work shown has been done legally. Any posts in this forum that the staff suspect is showing illegal activity will be closed until the poster can provide evidence that the work is being done legally.
    1 point
  44. Thanks Lenny Looking forward to helping make this better than any other WW2 forum out there......
    1 point
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